After washing hands and disposing of the diapers, the little consultant and the mommy put the two darlings on the unfolded mat in the living room. There was no need for a playpen as the Hendersons knew to stay put for mommy. Besides, despite even the bright colorful interactive toy icons enticing them on the blanket, the only thing this couple was interested in at that time was engaging in their passionate bond with each others’ eyes. They did this until they fell asleep.
“Ken seems to take a liking to logical and mathematical stuff. Karen prefers sensual, artistic and verbal stuff. We have a left brain baby and a right brain baby. However, given their histories, it looks like both of them should be a little bit balanced in their operational skills,” said Maribel.
“I knew their profiles when I chose to be their mommies. I chose them because I wanted to provide for special babies and did not care what their personalities and backgrounds were, of course, but I read up on them because of my curiosity and love for them. And I’m willing to do this even though there is a … chance of not being successful, and the likelihood they will, … leave the nest much earlier,” said Emily with a hint of sorrow.
Maribel reached across the table to put her hand on Emily’s, and Emily moved her arm forward to accommodate the regenerate youngster. It was time for the compassionate elder side of Maribel to come forward.
“Please understand, that they will make it. Count on that. Don’t even consider thinking otherwise,” responded the consultant. It was also Emily’s way of comforting and convincing herself, as she had seen cases go both ways.
“The oldest regenerate right now is 13 and he has little interest in leaving home, even though he is back in his profession. I messaged him once and he has told me that he thinks he could probably make it on his own but wants to stay home because it was easier. Sound like a typical teenager?” they chuckled, “But, with enough of an anchor of wisdom of his previous life he knows that he is still very susceptible to temptations of youth and will stay home until he is ready. Your children are with you for the long haul, Ms. T. Besides, the law says they are yours until they are 18. The only difference between them and real children is they can vote at age five, they do not need public education, and the child labor laws are much more gentle and flexible.”
“Sleeping birdies, wake-up!” said the cheery 9-year-old. “It’s time to begin!”
She placed them on their backs and briefed them on how the week was going to progress. In place of the holographically projected baby caddie tablet-apps which offered no touch sensations, she brought out two physical, interactive baby mobiles and put their suspension frames together, adjusting them so that they could hover the mobiles over them while they are on their backs. One mobile had pet animals and the other had geometric shapes. She put the mobiles on the stands and asked the two to touch them. Even though the icons were non-projection, they were capable of changing color and patterns on interaction. Karen’s mobile was the pets mobile and their colors were appropriate for their types. The canary was yellow, the dog was blue, and the cat was orange with tabby bands.